Have a nagging feeling in your back? Is it just stress or something worse? The National Osteoporosis Foundation reports that approximately 700,000 people in the U.S. each year experience spine compression fractures due to osteoporosis. Here’s how to know when your back pain is a spine compression fracture.
Recognizing the disease is the first step to recovery. Two-thirds of vertebral fractures that occur each year are not diagnosed. This is a large problem because it’s estimated that a fourth of all postmenopausal women in the U.S. have had a vertebral compression fracture.
Typically caused by weak bones, a fracture occurs when the vertebral bone compresses 15-20 percent in height. The compression occurs most often in the upper back.
There are three types of spine compression fractures: wedge fracture, crush fracture and burst fracture. Wedge is the most common and all involve a portion of the spine breaking or diminishing.
Symptoms of compression fracture include acute to chronic back pain, loss of height and loss of muscle conditioning. While these fractures can severely affect daily life, they are rarely associated with serious nerve or spinal cord damage.
If you are experiencing symptoms of a compression fracture, call us at 253-841-8939 to discuss your unique needs.